Dermatology and Beauty Medicine Practice

Doctor of Medicine Marek Antiszko
04-008 Warszawa
Al. Waszyngtona 45/51 lok. 133
kom.    604-106-999
tel/fax: 22 810-52-11

La Beauté's range of dermatological consultation and treatment of skin diseases complies:

Medical peelings /indications to carry out treatment/:
Yellow peel - after sun tanning changes on the face, hands and neckline, photo aging, skin flaccidity, wrinkle shallow, skin spots (melasma and chloasma), acne and after acne scars, seborrhoeic skin.
Yellow peel balm - new formula enabling lips enlargement without the need of applying fillers. Recovery of the lips volume, wrinkle and lip mucous membranes' dryness reduction, appropriate moisturizing and recovery of natural lip red colour.
Mandel 50 - acne and after acne scar, seborrhoeic skin, photo aging.
Mandel Plus - freckles and other pigment disorders, dyschromy, post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation.
Pyruvic Peeling - seborrhoeic dermatitis, erythema, irregular discolouration of face skin, acne and after acne scars, acne rosacea, skin photo aging, striae of the skin (stretch marks).
Glycolic acid masque - rejuvenating of sensitive skin, mixed and seborrhoeic skin, acne, elimination of large skin pores and reduction of excess of skin sebum.
TCA chelatic - stretch marks, superficial wrinkles, acne vulgaris (pimples), after acne scars, acne keratosis, discolouration, irregularities of skin colour and pigment spots, sun keratosis (cornification).
Alpha & Beta Complex - acne vulgaris and seborrhoeic skin, hyperceratosis, hair follicle acne disorders , photo-ageing, hyperpigmentation of face, hands and neckline, skin refreshment.
AMELAN - fast elimination of skin melanoderma (melasma and chloasma), recovery of skin shine and its smoothness, reduction of the secretion of sebum and narrowing of skin pores, stimulation of collagen renovation.
Biorevitalization of skin - reconstruction of optimal physiological environment of skin, with enlargement of cellular activity, production of collagen, elastine and hyaluronic acid (Hyaluronan) which origins firmness, tenseness and flexibility of skin.
Mature skin care - reduction of eye wrinkles, restoring of appropriate moisture, shine, density and flexibility of skin, liquidation of under-eye endema. Modern treatment of acne rosacea and consolidated erythematous conditions of face.
Mesotherapy (HA, PDRN, NCTF) - rejuvenating of skin with evident ageing effects, stopping of the action of free radicals (antioxidation action).
MESOLIFT - regeneration of face skin, improvement of tenseness and flexibility of skin, wrinkle smoothing.
MESOBELLY - Reduction of dermatochalasis (loose skin).
MESOCELLULITIS - Cure of cellulites and the effect of "orange skin".
MESOBESITAS - Reduction of fatty tissue.
MESOECLAT - rejuvenating, improvement of tenseness and flexibility of skin, improvement of microcirculation, reduction of alterations caused by environmental agents (smoking, water and air pollution).
Increase of moisture and firmness of body skin.
Therapy of stretch marks and hyperthrophied scars.
TREATMENT OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF HAIR LOOSE - hair follicle stimulation, regeneration of the hair structure, enlargement of the hair growth period:
alopecia areata and androgenic men and women hair loose;
hair volume loose (thin hair, weak and shineless, tending to everyday excessive coming out, season hair loose, hair loose after pregnancy and lactancy, as an effect of hormonal alterations, deficit of nourishment and microelements).
Diagnosis and cure of alteration among the nails - alteration of shape and colour of nail plates, splitting, fragile and breakable fingernails and toenails.
Filers - reduction of eye wrinkles, lips wrinkles, superciliary wrinkles, filling of deepened nasal and labial folds, moulding of contour and shape of lips, liquidation of falling lips nooks.
Botox - cure of mimic face wrinkles and hyperhidrosis of hands, feet and armpits.
Skin test in contact allergy - contact eczema.
Cure of mycosis of skin and hairy skin, nails and mucous membranes.
Electrosurgical interventions
Removing of
soft fibroma
juvenile verruca plana
pointed condyloma (venereal warts)
molluscum contagiosum
millum (acne albidum)
seborrhoeic warts
sebaceous cysts
vascular granuloma
dilated blood vessels
spider ahgioma

Depilation - permanent liquidation of needless hair growth.
Skin biopsies - (employing single use instruments) of lesions with removal of superficial levels of skin for histopathological examination.

Dermatoscopy - evaluation of melanocytic, amelanotic and vascular nevi. Photographic recording of skin lesions with the possibility of further monitoring.